How To Install AdGuard DNS To Get Ad-Blocking On All Your Devices

AdGuard DNS is a service provided by the AdGuard company. It is a free, privacy-oriented DNS resolution system that blocks tracking, ads, and phishing. You can use it instead of your current DNS provider.

DNS or “Domain Name Service” is a look-up service used by every computer and mobile device using the internet. DNS converts domain names like “” to an IP address like “”.

Adguard DNS works like this: when a website sends a request to an ad network, the DNS sends back a “null” response. For example, when a web page looks up the domain name “” the DNS will not find that name. This means those networks request are never loaded. This is an efficient blocking method and may speed up your internet connections.

You can find instructions on changing your DNS here. I recommend changing your router’s DNS settings. This will means that all your devices will automatically make use of AdGuard DNS.

AdGuard DNS Addresses

Here are the addresses of the AdGuard servers:

Default Ad-Blocking DNS

Use these servers to block ads, tracking, and phishing:

Or use IPv6 addresses:
  • 2a10:50c0::ad1:ff
  • 2a10:50c0::ad2:ff

Family Protection DNS

Default + blocking adult websites + safe search:
Or use IPv6 addresses
  • 2a10:50c0::bad1:ff
  • 2a10:50c0::bad2:ff

DNS Privacy

In terms of privacy, AdGuard states that they do not log any personal data or DNS activity, and do not sell anything to third parties. For the full privacy policy, visit this page.

I also recommend using the DNSEncrypt option that AdGuard supports. DNSEncrypt ensures that your DNS requests are encrypted before they are sent to AdGuard, which protects you from eavesdropping. It also prevents DNS alteration, or more specifically:

You can find a DNSEncrypt configuration manual for each platform here. If you happen to have DD-WRT or Tomato firmware on your router, I recommend making use of the DNSEncrypt at the router level.

Why is the service free? Adguard says:

We will use AdGuard DNS functionality as a part of other AdGuard software, which will be distributed on a pay-to-use basis. We might also develop a paid version of AdGuard DNS based on the current one, more advanced and with more features.

Link: AdGuard DNS


5 thoughts on “How To Install AdGuard DNS To Get Ad-Blocking On All Your Devices”

  1. Doesn’t seem to work blocking Youtube anymore. I’m trying to block ads on my projector’s YT app. PC use Adguard but want to block at the router level, any help?

    1. I don’t if AdGuard changed anything. Here’s why my AI had to say:

      AdGuard DNS stopped blocking YouTube ads because DNS-based ad blockers, like AdGuard Home, are inherently limited in their ability to block ads on platforms like YouTube. This limitation arises because YouTube serves ads from the same domains as the actual video content, making it impossible for DNS filtering to distinguish between ads and legitimate content. To block YouTube ads effectively, users need to use browser extensions or specific app-based solutions. For instance, AdGuard offers browser extensions and app-based methods that can block ads on YouTube by intercepting and filtering content at a more granular level than DNS filtering allows.

  2. This DNS Guard must have struck a nerve, Youtube can’t get something back from me when I watch a video so they restricted my account, outstanding…. As soon as I changed DNS servers, interesting things happened. Ad blockers didn’t to irritate them too much but the DNS Guard did. 🙂

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