A List Of Text-Only & Minimalist News Sites

Text-only websites are quite useful, especially today, because web pages are increasingly filled with ads, videos, and bandwidth-heavy content.

Here is a list of text-only news sites:

U.S. News

Canadian News

UK News

Technology News

Lightweight Interfaces To Popular Sites

Many of these interfaces are going down, due to Reddit changing their access:

  • LibReddit — a lightweight Reddit hosted by Riverside Rocks
  • LibReddit — a lightweight Reddit hosted by Strongthany
  • LibReddit —  a lightweight Reddit hosted by PussTheCat
  • Invidious — a lightweight and minimalist interface for Youtube
  • Nitter — a lightweight and minimalist interface for Twitter
  • Scribe — a lightweight and minimalist interface for Medium
  • SearXNG — a lightweight alternative to Google Search

Wikipedia-Based News

General News Aggregators

Brutalist Report — A text-only compilation of news articles.

Here are selected subsections of the Brutalist Report: Tech – News – Business – Science – Culture – Politics 

SkimFeed — this site also aggregates many news sources.

Here are selected subsections: Design – Investing – Long Reads – Mobile – News – Politics – Reddit – Science – Tech – Trend – Youtube – Weather 

Weather News

Wttr.In provides text-only weather reports. There’s also a text-only weather from the National Weather Service.

Use Reader Mode In Your Web Browser To Get Text-Only Pages

You can also use “Reader Mode” in many web browsers. This mode strips the page down to text and content-related images. You can read how to enable this mode in various browsers here.

Textise: Browse Sites In Text-Only Mode

You can also use the Textise service, which will create a text-only version of the web page.

49 thoughts on “A List Of Text-Only & Minimalist News Sites”

  1. alpha is an informative site vox is another its hard to find because not seo only publishers with advertising and paid readership motley fool used to be free now it has a subscriber list

  2. This seems to be the most complete list of text-based news sites I’ve found anywhere. I’ve added a few to my bookmarks today. Thanks! A couple of suggestions:

  3. Did we not pay enough to keep lite (dot) cnn going?
    It disappeared a couple days ago with a server cannot be found error.

        1. Could well be my bad. After reading Miserly’s comment, I checked and my bookmark called for http lite.cnn.io vs https lite.cnn.com. That one, as he reports, seems fine. Thanks for the help!

    1. http://frogfind.com/ is from the same developer. It does to google search the same as 68k.news does to google news (although using DDG results I believe). All results are also stripped to basic HTML. It’s fantastic not only for old browsers but also for limited speed connections.

  4. Music, ahh music when on the treadmill.

    However, wouldn’t it be nice to see a txt only, screen scrolling news site that can also have voice-enabled, as an option, for those wanting this type of service when walking on our treadmills.

    I thoroughly appreciate the efforts that you’ve made on our behalf with your work here.
    Thank you,


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