What Are Bitcoins?

Physical Bitcoins

Bitcoins a type of money that can be freely sent over the internet to anyone in the world, in any amount big or small, without any middleman (peer-to-peer). Unlike US Dollars, whose value is diminished by the government printing more dollars every day, Bitcoins are created at a predictable and known rate by individuals all

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How To Jailbreak Or Root Your Smartphone or Tablet

Why Jailbreak or “Root” Your Mobile Device? Jailbreaking is the act of overriding the software limitations on the iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad. Similarly, on an Android device, the terms “rooting” means giving yourself root permissions on your phone. It’s similar to running programs as an administrator in Windows, or running a command with sudo

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The Major Advances In Password Cracking In The Past Five Years

Ars Technica has a fascinating article that describes the latest techniques hackers are using to crack passwords. From the article: A PC running a single AMD Radeon HD7970 GPU, for instance, can try on average an astounding 8.2 billion password combinations each second, depending on the algorithm used to scramble them. Only a decade ago,

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